For FAST Band Booking, call 706-351-0224


  Daily Report  

The Daily Report identifies the activity for each day within the reporting period. Remember that one page hit can result in several server requests as the images for each page are loaded.

Daily Report: Number of page requests by Day.

DayNumber of page requestsPercentage of the bytes
1.September 30, 20051291.28%
2.October 1, 20051341.26%
3.October 2, 20052280.72%
4.October 3, 20053131.6%
5.October 4, 20053731.72%
6.October 5, 20051512.13%
7.October 6, 20051661.3%
8.October 7, 20051160.57%
9.October 8, 20053351.51%
10.October 9, 20052490.76%
11.October 10, 20052623.91%
12.October 11, 20051801.29%
13.October 12, 20054968.16%
14.October 13, 20051412.7%
15.October 14, 20052871.51%
16.October 15, 20051670.92%
17.October 16, 20051320.88%
18.October 17, 20051933.46%
19.October 18, 20051481.44%
20.October 19, 20051701.32%
21.October 20, 20051271.61%
22.October 21, 2005791.10%
23.October 22, 20051630.93%
24.October 23, 2005951.2%
25.October 24, 20051501.34%
26.October 25, 20054041.94%
27.October 26, 20051581.39%
28.October 27, 20051651.70%
29.October 28, 20052351.13%
30.October 29, 20054573.49%
31.October 30, 2005840.71%
32.October 31, 20051371.90%
33.November 1, 2005590.73%
34.November 2, 2005821.50%
35.November 3, 20053394.42%
36.November 4, 20051753.27%
37.November 5, 2005861.58%
38.November 6, 20051532.21%
39.November 7, 20051471.52%
40.November 8, 20055622.27%
41.November 9, 20051372.56%
42.November 10, 200540.16%

Most active day November 8, 2005 : 562 pages sent.

Daily average: 199 pages sent.

This report was generated on November 10, 2005 00:49.
Report time frame September 20, 2005 01:11 to November 10, 2005 00:58.

Web statistics report produced by:
Analog logfile analyser. Analog 5.32Report Magic statistics formatting by Wadsack-Allen. Report Magic for Analog 2.13

Athens live dance party music is our business.  Wedding parties frat parties or sororities and all types of private and public occasions.  All music, lyrics, and references to the same are the copyrights and or registered trademarks of their respective owners.  Please notify us of any potential unintended infringement thereof.  Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.  This site designed, hosted, marketed, and supported by John KirschMusic recorded, stored, and  streamed by John Kirsch.   All content including but not limited to HTML, ASP, JavaScript, VBScript, music video, and  graphics Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,  2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011 John Kirsch web design.   This site is optimized 4 Microsoft's media player.  We appreciate Google's high ranking.  Enjoy Atlanta and Athens best dance music, funk music, and disco wedding music 80s band.  No booking agent, booking agency and/or booking angencies' fees are required or paid when you book Atlanta's seven 7 wedding band online.  Call 706-351-0224 (local Athens, GA call) for the best live music entertainment in Georgia. Seven 7 is Georgia's Cover Band